Our wellbeing is important at any time of the year, however Christmas can be a very difficult time for some, so let’s focus on the things we can do to maintain our optimal wellbeing over the next few weeks.

With Covid numbers rising and working from home returning for some, this can bring some added stress and anxiety which can also effect our wellbeing.

Here is a reminder of some top tips which I hope you will consider for yourself and those around you:

  1. Whilst there is a lot going on and you may have many concerns, try to stay focused on what is in your control and spend your time, energy, and effort on these things. Sometimes we spend so much energy on things we can’t control which can lead to added frustration and anxiety.
  2. Thinking positively can help our mindset, attitude and behaviours. Get outside for some aerobic exercise, such as walking which boosts your serotonin levels and has a positive effect on our mood.
  3. Start to put some plans in place where you see family and friends – have little things to look forward to. Maintaining our connections with others helps both our physical and mental health. This will not only help your wellbeing but also those you are connecting with.
  4. Do the little things that give you some joy. This might be watching a favourite film, doing a hobby or some exercise. Just ten minutes of something we enjoy plays a big part in raising our mood and maintaining our wellbeing.
  5. Christmas can also be a reminder of personal loss and grief, so make time to talk to someone you can rely on or seek the relevant support. Take the time to reach out for your benefit and to those that you think might need to talk.

Samaritans’ new free helpline number is 116 123

I wish you all the very best over Christmas and if anyone would like to chat, do let me know 😊