Do you sometimes feel that your mind jumps from one thing to another or maybe you find it difficult to express yourself and make decisions?

There is nothing wrong with being quiet and there is no set way to be or to learn however finding it difficult to express yourself can leave us feeling unfulfilled, unhappy or lost.

Personally, I have always found taking photos allowed me to express myself or find clarity in my thoughts.  The same can be said for journaling; transforming your thoughts into visible words and in a lot of ways making your thinking clearer.

Journaling can help you meet your goals or improve your quality of life.  Whilst the outcomes will vary from person to person, they will almost always be very positive.

Benefits of Remaining Focused

Research has told us that expressing ourselves through writing can improve our mental health, physical health and general wellbeing.  It can also be seen as a stepping stone to taking courage to speaking out and make clearer decisions.  It is a form of expressing yourself which can lift and empower you to make important connections in thoughts, feelings and behaviours and reduce the effects of mental illness.

It can positively impact your stress and anxieties by exploring your experiences, struggles and successes whilst enhancing your self-awareness and clearing and calming your mind.

Before we continue, take a moment to consider this quote….

“The starting point of discovering who you are, your gifts, your talents, your dreams, is being comfortable with yourself. Spend time alone. Write in a journal.” Robin Sharma – award winning author.

Your how to guide

Here is your guide to journal and to shift from a negative mindset to a more positive one.

  1. Find a safe space that is private and personalised, free from distractions where you can truly be in the moment with your thoughts.
  2. Aim to write regularly and consecutively, for example, at least once a day. Anytime is good for journaling but when it comes to creating new habits, choose a dedicated time of day that suits you and remember to plan it into your diary.
  3. Write in a structure that feels right for you. Think about What you want to write about, use statements such as “I want”, “I feel” or “I think” and then take time to read what you have written and sum up what you are taking away with you or actions you want to take.  Your journaling can also include forms of creative expression, so maybe try drawing, adding photos or use different colours.
  4. Self-worth – if you’re out of ideas and feel down about your self-worth, try writing about the things you are good at (e.g., “I am good listener”, “I have lots of skills”).
  5. If you are trying to figure out what your next action or steps are, ask yourself “what did I do right, what went well or what could I do better next time or what’s holding me back?”.

If you’d like to find out more about how to keep a journal, take a look at the Centre of Journal Therapy website for more tips A Short Course in Journal Writing – The Center for Journal Therapy

I hope you take the opportunity to try journaling.  If it works for you, share your positive experience with your peers, friends and family who may also be struggling.