As Students Await Their Exam Results

Millions of students will be counting down the days to receiving their A Level results next week. Sadly, many of these students will be suffering with increasing levels of anxiety and coping with the pressures that accompany exam results.
This pressure can also bring conflict in families and confidence crises in young people as they try to manage the stress. Support during this time is very important to ensure the student and their family handle pressure in a manageable way.
The Childline National Exam Stress Survey revealed that 96% of the 1300 who completed the survey felt anxious about exams with 64% saying they have never received any support in dealing with exams.
Some taking this survey said they coped with anxiety by smoking, taking drugs and self-harming. There are many forms of support that are available for both the student and their families and taking time to consider these is important.
One form of support is engaging with a personal development coach, working with them on a 1:1 basis to improve their performance, enhance well-being, develop skills and achieve their goals. The coach can be key in growing their self-confidence and self-awareness as they provide an independent pair of ears to listen whilst the process puts the student into the learning. Coaching will allow the space for them to reflect on their achievements and grow through their mistakes whilst taking ownership of their actions. Questions students often ask themselves such as, “what if I don’t get the results I need?” or “what if I am not good enough?” can be explored through coaching resulting in options and action plans that they themselves will develop.
I would love to hear from you and explore this with you.
If you would like to find out more, please contact Kathryn Jackson Coaching.